Further Reading

Sunday 17 March 2019

A Simulated Universe - Contemplation for Inquiring Minds

David Icke: ''In the future, humans will be able to simulate entire universes quite easily. And given the vastness of time ahead, the number of these simulations is likely to be huge. 

So if you ask the question 'do we live in the one true reality or in one of the many simulations?', the answer, statistically speaking, is that we're more likely to be living in a simulation." - Silas Beane; renowned Physicist at the University of Bonn, Germany.

The above quote is a summary of what an eminent scientist believes. The likes of Elon Musk have said similar, but there's rather a lot of ifs and buts involved. It's easy to start off confused about it all and quickly become completely bamboozled, as opposed to it all becoming clear...

There's a direct correlation between advances in science and our increased awareness of what we perceive as "reality". You may also be aware that scientists nowadays are taking the possibility of simulation theory extremely seriously. Gone are the days of it being considered some sort of crazy unfounded speculation. As is always the case, pioneers of new ideas are often considered a bit mad at first. Until those ideas start to make sense, little by little. That's the cross they must bear.

In recent years, quantum physics has taken a quantum leap with regards to what it demonstrates. It's begun to explain some of what was once inexplicable. It's also created a wider chasm between itself and Einstein's theory of relativity; the holy grail of a "theory of everything" gets further away all the time. This is because these 2 scientific fields are so incompatible with and contradictory to each other.

Quantum physics in a nutshell is the study of everything related to the physical. The study of the building blocks that make up the universes(s?) at the very smallest level. Everything that exists consists of these tiny blocks, from an amoeba to the entirety of our universe. These blocks are the FUNDAMENTAL PARTICLES that make up atoms themselves. There isn't much difference between one atom and another; but when they're put together with other atoms, that's when the magic happens.

It's like Lego but smaller.

Atoms come together to make molecules which go on to form all the known elements. We are made of atoms and molecules and these elements. The mystery is that these tiny blocks come together to form "things" that clearly demonstrate intelligence. Take humans for example!
This strongly suggests that some form of higher intelligence was behind the creation of these fundamental particles themselves. And the potential for them to come together in such a way as to create things (like us) that can create other things,etc..read more>>>...