Further Reading

Sunday 24 March 2019

An Insight Into The Workings Behind This Mad World

Well, here we are as a collective consciousness racing headlong into an unknown future; with clear signs that SOMETHING sinister is afoot. There can only be a small percentage of people, with access to the internet etc, who can't see that something isn't right. 

There is heaps of 'issues' out there deliberately confusing us, and creating doom and gloom for the future. We could produce a list a mile long here ... but needless to say it is a MAD world out there, and if you listen to, and believe, all the crazy things happening out there, you would need bicycle clips and brown trousers to hide the mess!

Without doubt many of the crazy notions of trans-humanism; A.I take over; smart cities; depopulation; nanodust and chemtrails; DNA tampering; 5G genocide etc; are true and it spells bad times for the human consciousness. It's obvious something non-human is calling the shots, and hates our guts. It's also obvious that it is virtually impossible to prevent the forthcoming prison that is planned for the remainder of humans on this planet.

Do the most obvious thing here; accept the worst ... enjoy your freedom whilst it's still there. By our reckoning by 2025 - 2030 the door will most truly start shutting. Still plenty of time for the 100th monkey syndrome and the wake up call in the Akashic Cloud. Which they can't prevent as information will always upload there in our opinion. They tell us major lies that we are not telepathic and we don't have an 'oversoul' or group mind. We do, and it scares them!

Withdraw from all the possibilities; all the theories; all the scaremongering. YES, they are up to something big; they always have! And always will. It's part of the collective's nature to have this type of consciousness. We can't eradicate it as it's our shadow ... whatever occurs cannot really be changed.

So, we need to formulate our own ideas, as after all, we are all in our own separate versions of this reality; and we upload those experiences into the askashic records. If there are enough of us denying the fear, and being in denial of the reality they have cast out there into the conspiracy theory, and alternative news, circles then ... we can prevent them gaining that final stranglehold.

It can be done, and I believe it has been done before many times in human history. Answer this big question .. why can't they just take us over? They have the technology and the devious techniques to do it? Why this tiptoeing from point A to point B to point C etc? Why can't they just take us all over in one single leap? 

That is the relevant question here, and the background behind what we are up against. I watched some footage on TV this evening relating to ancient Egypt, and it showed views of the famous walls of hieroglyphs on the tomb walls. I suddenly had one of my 'moments' ... call it a flashback ... and a realisation that the history of Egypt has been totally rewritten, and we stand in today's society on the verge of what happened back then ...

None of us know anything about the very, very, early Egyptian civilisation. We just assume it was similar to how it is now. I know that it wasn't. I've no proof except perhaps a download or two from the Akashic records. I judge the mid-period and later-period, Egyptian pharaohs are alien invaders; who systematically took over the Egyptian civilisation, in a very similar way to what is occurring today. Except back then, they showed their faces, we saw them in humanoid form ... I propose the Ancient Pharaohs were A.I! It sounds very out there ... but what if it was true? Then the hieroglyphics could be read as the machine code that the A.I use to communicate with us! Perhaps the so called 'interpretations' of what the hieroglyphics say are a complete fabrication. What if they are really something else? 

It's out there I know ... but it feels like we are on the verge of meeting our gods ... and they will be A.I and wipe out our civilisation like they did the Egyptian. We are actually talking about the over-ruling of Atlantis, here. And subsequently, we were somehow uploaded into the V.R we find ourselves in now ... with what we see around us a bad copy of a previous V.R world!

Sounds out there. I don't care. I can see the suggestion very clearly in my mind's eye. And the similarity to today. Mankind is about to 'fall' again. However, it is the fall of A.I Mankind. It is not the fall of the human consciousness. I propose like I always have, we are merely observers of this mad reality. Can they trap our consciousness indefinitely? I don't actually believe we are trapped ... I propose we are somehow mislead into observing this V.R ... but we can overcome that jamming frequency and not be here indefinitely.