Further Reading

Friday 29 March 2019

CEOs of Google, Facebook, Twitter and YouTube should all be going to prison over complicity with the Russia collusion hoax

Natural News: It’s simply not enough to utilize anti-trust laws and break apart the giant tech monopolies – Google, Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube. Yes, these entities have exploited human psychology and now control 90 percent of the flow of information online, but it’s their manipulative censorship practices that should be brought to light, their executives brought to justice.

The CEOs of these tech companies should be arrested and indicted because they were all complicit in the Russia collusion hoax and the manipulative censorship of independent media that was implemented in cooperation with this Russia collusion narrative. These social media giants have used the Russian collusion hoax to come up with algorithms that weed out “Russian bots” and all the conservative and dissenting ideas that spread on social media.

By shadow banning, demonetizing, and banning opposing viewpoints, these social media giants have used censorship tactics to pollute American democracy and manipulate future elections....read more>>>...