Can anyone else NOT SEE what is going on here? A new gun law and an internet firewall brought in barely a WEEK after an alleged massacre in a mosque? This is too much of a problem-reaction-solution classic scenario ... all playing out to the letter. It's too late ... you'll see, THEY have us all, and you only have yourselves to blame after falling for the continued same old storyline bullshit....
Natural News: The damage that one maniac’s horrific act of terror is doing to New
Zealand’s democratic processes will be irreversible — that is, without
major societal upheaval at some point in the future.
When Brenton Tarrant live-streamed the murders of worshippers in two
Christchurch mosques a week ago, he not only stole the life from
innocent human beings, he stole the lifeblood of New Zealand’s peaceful,
tranquil freedoms.
In the aftermath, Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern immediately called
for new gun control laws that would ban the kind of semi-automatic rifle
used by Tarrant, even though the country doesn’t have a huge problem
with firearms of the type — or with gun crimes in general.
Now, after several Western websites broadcast footage of Tarrant’s
livestream, allowed it to be shown on their sites, or permitted it to be
freely discussed (on sites like Dissenter and Zero Hedge), not only did
New Zealand telecoms ban them, but now the same firms want more
censorship from big tech platforms — to “protect consumers.”
That censorship has already begun. Facebook, which was Tarrant’s
chosen live-stream platform, took the video down and then proceeded to
delete some 1.5 million additional videos of the assault; 1.2 million of
those were blocked at the time of more>>>...