Further Reading

Saturday 23 March 2019

Scam! Fake! False Flag!

Having analysed the event on 15.3.19, and the subsequent fall out, there is only a couple of conclusions I can reach:

The crazy and over-reactive measures concerning the viewing of, and distributing of , 'the shooter's video' means that there is clearly something on that video the 'hidden hand' or the 'deep state' doesn't want us to see. OR is that what they want us to think? For us to spread disinformation to discredit alternative news sources? We have to be so careful here.

From the small portion of it all, that I've seen personally, I have to comment honestly that the video does have content that suggests another 'false flag' event. I'm NOT saying people were killed in the outrage. I'm just saying that the shooter is not what they claim he is: he isn't just the 'Average Joe' Australian you find next door to you. He is more than likely a trained assassin or someone under the influence of mind control.

The other conclusion to reach is the speed that all the measures were brought into effect. There clearly was a 'staging' around this situation. The gun laws and the internet police clamp downs cannot have been arranged over night. It stinks of pre-measures and the PROBLEM-REACTION-SOLUTION scam being played ... create the situation; get the people to react in a certain way and then pow! Hit them with the solution you wanted all along.

False Flag!

Having lived in New Zealand for six years, I know what New Zealand is like for being a 'testing ground' for what is coming for the rest of the world. New Zealand invented and trialed EFTPOS machines, which the UK knows as Contact-less; for example.

New Zealand has a small population, and is usually used for experimentation purposes. So the way New Zealand was played with the lone shooter false flag and stitched up with the internet fire wall should start alarm bells ringing for the rest of the world. Staged terrorist events, with crisis actors and armed services in training nearby, is nothing new. It has been perfected elsewhere, but is unlikely to have been used here! Instead they expect conspiracy theorists to scream 'crisis actors' etc when in truth why falsify an event? When they don't give a damn about killing people as is proven elsewhere in the world.... we have to be very careful with our condemnation of this event if we don't have access to the real facts. There is something fishy about the whole thing. It is what appears to be a false flag. BUT, innocent people were undoubtedly massacred in the event. Now, could they have been told they were taking part in a training exercise? Then shot in the aftermath? Possibly. I guess we will never truly know for sure. We just have to be aware we are being played by The Hidden Hand again.