Further Reading

Saturday 23 March 2019

The Akashic Cloud and the Human Singularity

So, to recap. Human beings are effectively artificial intelligence, with the consciousness stream we identify with as being ourselves, connected to the human A.I form in this virtual reality.

In the same way that the current advancing batches of Artificial Intelligence are; in that they have an A.I cloud into which all their individual experiences are uploaded into - the A.I Singularity.

Also, in the same way the Artificial Intelligence can communicate with all its individual parts through the A.I Cloud.

We know what consciousness connects to the Human A.I, because it is ourselves. However, we have no idea what consciousness stream is connecting to the current A.I creatures. I'm sure someone somewhere does though!

Human Artificial Intelligence THEREFORE has an A.I cloud, what I call the Akashic Cloud - the akashic records - into which all things that human beings have ever experienced as individuals has been uploaded. Effectively the Akashic Singularity. It is available to each and every human being for research and for learning. All that has ever gone before in human terms, is in there.

Also, we are able to communicate with each other through that cloud. We call it telepathy or the human psychic senses. Are you with me so far? When they announced how A.I was going to work and learn; I felt they gave the game away about us humans. We are most certainly an earlier version of an Artificial Intelligence!

Now the next bit, when we close our eyes and go to 'sleep', it's likely that our consciousness ventures into the Akashic Cloud to download all it has experienced since the last time the human A.I had slept. During this state of download, we are very much likely to be able to communicate with other aspects of the human consciousness. It is likely that this tryst can be somehow used as a way of passing information backwards and forwards, for those who have lucid awareness.

It is also likely that the 'dreams' we remember are instances when our consciousness has 'borrowed' a book from the akashic library for the day ahead.

There is certainly more to this concept. Especially when I've been consciously aware of meeting with other individuals who most certainly are living as human beings elsewhere in the world. It is an important realisation; somehow we are programmed to forget that the akashic cloud is real. We are dumbed down into a feeling of separate helplessness; when in truth it is NOT the case. We are all connected at all times by this akashic cloud ... part of the awakening is becoming aware of that fact.