Further Reading

Saturday 16 March 2019

The Akashic Cloud & Mankind's Ability of Telepathy and Singularity

So, we are now in mid March 2019; week 11 of 2019 ... and its all beginning to turn to custard! Just like we sensed it to be with 2019 being a 2 vibration in Soul Numerology. We're on the precipice as we all are becoming more aware of now, with the mists clearing.

So many distractions exist; to try to force our attention away from the very quickly approaching army of hi-tech predators a.k.a Predator Intelligence and their smart city prisons for A.I mankind. They are here. That's for sure. In hidden laboratories and hangars below the surface of the earth, and in secret hangars around the world. A.I is far more advanced than we're being told.

It stands to reason its not all playing out exactly as planned, or else the predator intelligence would have assumed full control.

We've said all of this before. But, we're going to emphasise the need to recognise your own thoughts; your own perceptions and make sure that we, as the human singularity (The Oversoul/Akashic Mind) can activate as many of human beings to the reality we are facing. We CAN upload all our experiences into the Akashic Cloud and we CAN communicate with each other telepathically. They have been trying to establish jamming signals, and genetic tampering, to prevent this reality. We can say, from personal experience over the last 50+ years that human telepathy is very active. Human experiences are very much being uploaded into the Akashic Cloud. This latter occurrence is a fact, as so much personal information about people living, and who've 'passed' has been downloaded from there personally.

Having worked as a professional 'medium' and 'clairvoyant' I became aware of the source of my 'astounding' information many years ago. Walking between the worlds I was able to pinpoint the location of my wealth of 'impossible' information. Then, when it was announced how the A.I (Predator Intelligence) was going to learn from each of their separate experiences, and how they were going to communicate with each other, the penny dropped for me.

It makes sense then that we have been brainwashed into believing telepathy and psychic stuff is all bullshit; they know otherwise. And they know it is mankind's saviour, IF ENOUGH OF US AWAKEN. Time is of the essence to awaken. We need to reach the optimum number of awakened humans for the 100th monkey syndrome to kick in.

They distract us in order to force the left brain of logic to run the show. So we are driven by a previous genetic tampering. Using our right brain awakens the upload and awareness (Pineal Gland) of the Akashic Cloud. It is essential there are enough of us not hampered too badly by the toxins and the shit we are being fed by the servants of the predators in the human race. We understand the magic number is around 144,000 of the human population. It doesn't sound that many as a percentage. But there are a specific 144,000 who need to awaken. It is their role then to make the awakening figure much higher than that. We get a sense we are nearing that figure. Hence the reason why the servants are speeding everything up, and the predator is panicking somewhat!