Further Reading

Thursday 7 March 2019

The Association of American Physicians and Surgeons denounces mandatory vaccines, citing “no rigorous safety studies”

Natural News: With vaccine fanaticism having now turned into a dangerous left-wing medical cult, it’s refreshing to hear a medical organization denouncing the dangerous idea of mandatory vaccines.

Recently, The Association of American Physicians and Surgeons — an organization that supports vaccines in general — publicly denounced the pursuit of mandatory vaccination enforcement, correctly stating that there are “no rigorous safety studies” demonstrating vaccine safety.

The full statement from the AAPS is enlightening. We’re reprinting it here, and as you read this, note that the AAPS is a pro-vaccine organization, yet the AAPS still respects the foundational concept of informed consent. While nearly everybody else in the medical system has turned into a mindless vaccine zombie who seeks to inject people with hazardous substances against their will, the AAPS reminds us that there are still some thoughtful individuals in the pro-vaccine camp who embrace the importance of public education and freedom of choice.

Here is their full statement....read more>>>...