Further Reading

Tuesday 19 March 2019

What Really Happened and Why The Reaction?

Wake up world, we are being played! There clearly is something VERY manufactured and pre-rehearsed about the Christchurch 'events'. it's very sad news about the apparent loss of lives that happened on that day.

But ...

There is also so much about the situation, and the media/government reaction around it, that clearly isn't right. Worldwide condemnation and widespread outrage is the reaction that those who created this. It is NOT the act of one single man.

It is a planned and staged event that was created to make the entire world react with 'something must be done' ... a classic problem-reaction-solution. Very quickly the governments are revealing the solutions they had all along, as they knew this event was going to happen. The NZ government had a 700 PAGE gun law manifesto ready days later. You know from the Brexit mess how long legislation takes to be put together. Less than a week to create a new law about guns??? Come on people ... we are being played.

I've not seen the video footage myself, but I've read dozens of comments from those that have. I seen photographs and excerpts from the video that definitely proof 100% that there was something staged about the live feed and the shooting. The evidence is compelling. There is also important parts relating to the shooters background kept hidden from the general public (He is suspected to be a hire assassin or Black Ops operative who has travelled all over the world buying weapons).

And it is also VERY scary what the governments of the world are now trying to make happen after this event YET THEY NEVER DID ANYTHING LIKE THIS when countless hundreds of life were ended by terrorist bullets & guns in the last few years. I read there was an event back in 1997 at Luxor where 62 innocent tourists where murdered ... The Luxor massacre was the killing of 62 people, mostly tourists, on 17 November 1997, at Deir el-Bahari, an archaeological site and major tourist attraction across the Nile from Luxor, Egypt . It is thought to have been instigated by exiled leaders of al-Jama'a al-Islamiyya, an Egyptian Islamist organization. Nothing like the level of control and outrage occurred then ... or since ...

So WHY this questionable event? What is really behind all of this. Is it the event that takes away all our freedoms? We need to all WAKE UP and question; not take this grab at our freedom lightly.

We need to react to the governments decision to take away our freedoms. And also question why have so many thousands of innocent lives by acts of terrorism not had a similar reaction? Why this event? What is really going on?

This is the next 9/11!