Further Reading

Wednesday 3 April 2019

Another Fall. Another Earth. Another Fake History.

Is everyone still with me? It's Matthew James here. Hello. It's good to have some members of the ONE TRIBE reading what are effectively my thoughts at this very moment.

It's good to share with you what is drifting through my awareness. Even if there is only a handful of you reading this; and maybe sharing my viewpoint elsewhere, then the creator of those thoughts has done its job.

Yes, I have conscious awareness filtered by second nature mindfulness; but it still doesn't prevent the constant bombardment from those unwanted thoughts and images that so many 'professional psychic mediums' spout as being from the angels, or from guides. Those thoughts are most certainly NOT from those sources. They originate from a bundle of brain cells over on the left hand side of the brain. The part of the brain connected to the hive mind awareness; the stuff is drivel, believe me. False information and false leads.

I can filter them out, and become interested; only; in direct thoughts that literally explode into my awareness from a greater source. The creator of these thoughts might actually be US on a higher level of awareness.

But it is interesting what my train of thought is at this precise moment. Let me share it with you. So, we are faced with guaranteed genocide and imprisonment on another VR dimension. With planet earth devoid of biological life forms TOTALLY, and tens of thousands of satellites roaming the heavens; with vegetation starved of the oxygen to exist, and its DNA structure totally screwed like the now extinct biological lifeforms, the Biosphere called Earth will become a barren world like its sister world called Mars.

Some human awareness will survive but its consciousness will no longer occupy biological lifeforms tuned into this dimension. They will be in synthetic bodies part human/part A.I on a LOWER vibration. Another fall. Another earth. Another fake history. Another Adam and Eve bullshit story. Another attempt by 'the devil' to totally suppress infinite consciousness. And guess what ... human infinite consciousness will see through that fake history too ... in tens of thousands of human years ... and it will come round to this point again!

History repeats and repeats and will keep repeating until all the pieces are put together in the correct combination like a jigsaw.

I wondered WHY they have been going around the houses to get us slowly to this point, rather than  going in for the kill straight away. I was given a possible answer ... it's because they HAVE to adhere to a script. They are limited by the way the algorithms of the quantum computer calculates each sequence in this virtual world. It may well have been programmed to fuck us all up; they may have hacked the main computer to some degree; but not brought on the speed they would like. It is their bad copy of the main computer that they've infected and have fucked up. But that doesn't change the overall programming if that makes sense.

They can't just take over. It had to be the underhand, scheming, outlandishly evil way they have been doing it. And, the end may be in sight. But it's not over until its over. Chances are we are odds on exterminated by their 5G cloud genocide and worse to come. But like I said last night, you cannot be killed again if you are already dead! And we are most certainly in the realm of the dead. We just can't remember the REAL WORLD. Because we have been in fake reality realms for quite some time.