Further Reading

Sunday 28 April 2019

Climate Change Is A Myth - Junk Science Released By The Globalists To Control You

The best name I've seen describing the climate change myth is JUNK SCIENCE because that is exactly what it is.

Greenhouse gases are ESSENTIAL to prevent the earth getting too cool and slipping into an ice age!  

CO2 is NOT the major constituent of greenhouse gases. CO2 is present at an extraordinary level of 0.037%!! Yes, read that again CO2 accounts for only 0.037% of greenhouse gases.

It is essential to life and yet been described a pollutant! Mankind contributes about 6% of that figure so that's 6% of 0.037% .... hardly anything at all. Yet, the globalists have sold a lie that CO2 levels are dangerously high and causing the earth to go too warm ... predicting the end of the line in 3 years. BOLLOCKS!!!

So if CO2 accounts for 0.037% of greenhouse gases, what are the other constituents you might ask? What I'm providing is not junk science, it is from a Geography class book I wrote in the late 1980's after a Physical Geography lesson  ... and is a record of what we discussed back then ... Methane accounts for even less of the greenhouse gases as does NO2 (Nitrous Oxide). But the main constituent by far at a staggering 96.5% is WATER VAPOUR. Yes, water vapour is the biggest constituent of greenhouse gases.

The whole climate warming theory is a total scam. A money making scheme by the Globalists ... and now an excuse to wipe mankind out to save the planet. Mankind was down for extermination by the Anunnaki in ages past so the story goes so it is nothing new.

The climate is not static, there IS change but it is part of a natural warm/cool cycle that the earth goes through.