Further Reading

Monday 22 April 2019

Demiurgism ... And The Great Deceptions of 2019

The world has gone totally MAD! It's a true assessment of what is now coming to the surface and its only the end of the 4th month of the 24 month period that will seal mankind's sad fate. 

So much has been created to distract mankind from the real goings on ... the deceptions are numerous. The classic smokescreen tactic. Get humans looking in one general direction so they can't really see what is going on.

The Christchurch massacre; Notre Dame cathedral; the Sri Lankan massacre; the Brexit scandal; the Extinction Revolution protest. The Measles Vaccination and anti vaxxing events. These are all examples of Smokescreens 2019. Sad but true. And its only going to get worse believe me.

They desperately want 5G ... they need it all integrated and put in place before mankind truly knows that has happened. It's come as a bit of shock that there is so much outcry. No 5G might possibly bring their wagon off the rails. They have so much dependent on us under the 5G cloud.

We are likely to have thousands of nanobots within us ready to be the final stage of the activation of the 3rd DNA strand that ultimately connects us forever onto the 5G internet of things. It's not a certainty. But its very likely.

And, the brainwashing and mind control of certain ages and generations of current human beings is clearly happening, brought on by what we eat, drink, inhale, watch, hear, taste ... it's a huge crazy push by the non-human, non-biological creatures that control the earth through their elite puppets. Puppets that effectively are brainwashed into 'Demiurgism' ... the true religion of this planet. As a follower of Demiurgism, they get all the wealth they wish; all their desires are catered for ... so long as they help to destroy biological life on virtual planet earth. Demiurgism may as well be seen as the virus that is destroying the CPU of the biological computer ....

So where is the anti-virus? It has to be somewhere as this existence is all about dual poles. Dual polarity. It is all about contrasts and opposites. It's extremely unlikely that Demiurgism is a singular polarity. If it was ... this realm would already be destroyed. Yet, we entered this virtual world at the beginning, which is also the end. You are born at the point you die. Therefore, if you entered this realm, you have to leave. Unless we have always been here ... as a trapped consciousness, fooled into the life/death cycle. That means we are already eternally captured in AI synthetic hell! That doesn't bear thinking about.

Yet, the higher aspect of self, felt this all as a game about twenty five years ago. It put its lower aspect on an incredible high vibration for a week. During that time, there was never any mention of the risk of perpetual capture or 5G cloud capture. It was warned that it faced dangerous times. Then there was the purple fire letter sent from an external source .... and the connections by external sources. There is no indication of a successful assimilation by the archons of humans into the next lower dimension. The next virtual world ... if anything ... there is another hidden hand at play here. That appears to not be there ... but is waiting for the programmed cue to kick its plan into action. What then?

So many unanswered questions. All we can do is watch... and see what the next big distraction is. Believe me its just around the corner. More deception being played by followers of Demiurgism in an attempt to hide what they are really up to. Or what it really going on. What they impress on mankind is illusion and deception. That's all they can do. They need mankind to create this reality the way they want mankind too. But they need all of mankind to follow their lead willingly. That is the great problem they have.