Further Reading

Sunday, 7 April 2019

Favourite's Collection #242

It's always been a struggle to capture decent photographs of a Superb Fairy Wren. They are small and quick; they rarely stay in one place long enough to get a shot of them. I've got total admiration for anyone who has managed to succeed in capturing an awesome shot of this fantastic Australian Native bird.

This photographed was taken at Jerrabomberra Wetlands in  Canberra in October 2018. I'd been away from Canberra since April 2017 ... and it was during my first journey back in 18 months that I was able to finally capture some consistent reasonable images of this wonderful bird.

HOPEFULLY when I next go back ... there is a trip being planned .. I hope I can still get to see these awesome native birds. I will be so upset if the 5G weapon has wiped this wonderful creature out before I get to see them again. I'm most concerned, like so many others, what is going to be left of this planet when 20,000 satellites are beaming this deadly weapon down to the earth. These little critters will sadly cop it when they are hit by 5G frequencies. There will be no chance of survival!