Further Reading

Wednesday, 10 April 2019

Favourite's Collection #244

This is a Spotted Pardalote; apologies for the quality of the image. This little native was sighted on Mt Ainslie in Canberra. It is likely to be one of the first in line for racial genocide when 5G rides in full tilt. 5G is already installed and active not far from this spot; so already there is a risk that little birds like these will become no more due to the EMF pollution. When 5G weaponry pulses at full power they most certainly will disappear. It is a horrific future, not just for mankind but also for all biological life forms. What 'creature' has sanctioned this devilry against life on earth? Something that has total hatred for biological life ... something jealous of those things that it is not, or never can be? Probably ... The 'Un-creator' itself.