Further Reading

Friday, 12 April 2019

Favourite's Collection #246

This Crimson Rosella was photographed on the Urambi Hills, in Canberra, back in October 2018. It was during my second visit back onto the Urambi Hills after an 18 month absence. It proved to be a disappointing visit with thick mists spoiling the adventure. However, the sight of this familiar native proved to lift my spirits. It was a sad occasion, after spending so many magical adventures on the hills, when I'd been a resident of South Canberra, it didn't quite feel the same with only limited time to return back to somewhere I often spent many hours wandering in search of native Australian birds.

It still pains me not to be still there, able to visit this favourite haunt at will; next time I go back it will be fantastic to be back on the hills; feeling that powerful earth energy; but it will be extremely sad, once more, to leave. Not knowing if or when I will return. Sad.