Further Reading

Monday 29 April 2019

How To Avoid The Assimilation and How To Defeat The Predator

How many of you are 'The Lost'??? Captured in the forthcoming assimilation frequencies? If any of the current hyena scaremongering stories that have appeared during 2019 affect you deeply, then you may be one of The Lost. Are you scared stiff about human depopulation? Have you fallen for the 'Human Caused Global Warming' scam? Are you petrified of the alleged climate changes? If you are buying into any of these fear mongering directives then you may already be within the frequencies that the assimilation are going to capture. You may already by beyond the prison gates; and it might be too late.

The forthcoming assimilation of the human consciousness within the planned EMR cloud is all about perception and the vibrating frequency of your consciousness. Like attracts like, that is a proven universal principle. So if any of these apparently worrying scenarios are attracting you to them, then you are becoming enchanted by frequencies within the approaching frequency prison.

If, however, you are concerned in passing by the possibility of them, but its water off a duck's back, so to speak, then its likely your consciousness is on a frequency outside the prison gates. It's a lot like sitting watching your T.V and the adverts are flashing before you. None of the adverts compel you to buy the product ... so their frequencies are not like for like with your consciousness.

What you perceive you manifest in your reality; that is another proven universal principle. Something THEY know all about. Thus THEY work on the fear factor, compelling everyone to fall for the assimilating frequencies with the repeating over, and over, of the same lies. When something is played constantly before consciousness, it is said that consciousness falls for the lies. It is classic black magic enchantment ... black magic is casting an enchantment on someone against their will. In this instance, it's forcing every human to believe the crazy agendas that are put out in the public arena.

THEY may be working on our fears, trying to compel everyone to accept the assimilation frequencies; but it is THEY who are the frightened ones. They are fearful that we know ... and that we will refuse these spells; these compulsions. So we won't be assimilated.

Be fearless, and take all that is being said about 'climate change', 'depopulation', 'transhumanism' and the like with a pinch of salt. Use quality rock salt ... I use Himalayan Pink Rock Salt personally!