Further Reading

Tuesday 30 April 2019

Living Within The Colony Of The Lost

Here we are at the end of the FIFTH month of 2019. Though I say it myself, time is going ever so quickly these days. It feels like something is really eager to get us to the end of 2020 ... volunteers for the human genocide anyone? You will be helping to save the planet ...!

It's getting more and more like living within 'The Colony Of The Lost' as more and more brainwashed and mind controlled humans voice their fears about all the bullshit the Insane Globalists are releasing into the public arena.

Yes FEAR MONGERING is rife ... its becoming extremely ridiculous, and it would be ever so funny if it didn't have serious repercussions. Wales & Scotland declaring Climate Change Emergencies. New York City outlawing red meat ... to help save the planet. How? There's still going to be the same (Or more arable) land needed to keep all the cows, sheep, chickens and pigs we don't kill, alive. It's actually going to be more as there will be an increase in numbers of them around because we won't be killing them. Unless there will be a mass genocide of them all ... but that will ADD to the CO2 levels thus contradicting the mythical reason to save them. Vegan food will still need electricity for the labs to make the chemicals we are to eat. Again, a contradiction.

Did you know there is a FREE ENERGY TECHNOLOGY that's been available for decades? It uses the air to produce electricity. No fossil fuels need to be burnt. IF the globalists really CARED about the planet ... they would bring the technology into the public arena.

The earth is actually at DANGEROUSLY LOW levels of CO2. It needs to be perhaps a 1000 times higher than it is ... the earth would be greener and plants would grow quicker if the levels were higher. The earth is NOT getting hotter due to CO2. Like I've said it before. ITS THE SUN that's making the earth get hotter.

Chemtrails and other shit they pump into the atmosphere kind of contradict the globalists little girl Greta's crazy message. Mr Soros has paid for her to go about her business with her goldilocks hair ... to entice the young to buy her myths.

The Colony Of The Lost indeed ... the Earth is full of brainwashed and mentally retarded humans who can't see what is going on. And it's going to get a whole lot worse in the next 19 months. By the time we reach December 2020 there will be real shit. This we've seen over the last five months is nothing. It's been such a weary and weird year so far has 2019. It's like we've been playing pinball and something's titled the table without the alarm going off ....

A very strange experience for me last night as I was going to sleep reminded me that this earth plane is fake, false and a poor reflection of what is really out there. A reassurance for me that there are external dimensions to this where the insane globalists have no control. They are demonised mad men and women after all who've been sold a lie by a very cunning predator consciousness. But sadly they are the messengers of Demiurgism ... and they are recruiting some many equally crazy humans who they've scared the shit out of .... the colony of the lost indeed.

Those crazies the Extinction Rebellion playing dead in streets ... what MAD and brainwashed FOOLS!