[Natural News]: How on Earth could it be that 30 percent of California parents are going to all the trouble of getting medical exemptions from vaccines for their children, when the state’s
Government has all but enforced vaccines at gunpoint? At a few schools in Sonoma (wine country), over 50 percent of the kindergartners’ parents got doctors to sign off on opt-out forms.
What do all these folks know that the panicked masses don’t? Aren’t chicken pox and measles like the kiss of death? Aren’t swine flu and Zika virus still everywhere? How can all of these parents let their children go to elementary school without the HPV jab?
According to the lying mass media, infectious disease rates were “ticking up” in California just a few years back. That’s conveniently when Senator Richard “Mercury Joker” Pan laid down the law and banned all personal and religious vaccine exemptions (while behind closed doors pressuring pediatricians to say no to medical exemptions too).
All vaccines are harmful to your health, not just the unnecessary ones. Most parents have no clue that vaccinated children are most apt to spread the disease they just got injected with during the first two weeks, or more, after getting the “live” virus jabs, and that includes measles and the flu (shedding the injected live virus).
Yep. And they’re mixed strains of genetically modified versions of the wild virus, so they are completely unpredictable, even if given alone. Now there are combo jabs being pushed into children’s muscle tissue containing five or even six different infectious diseases at once, along with formaldehyde, mercury, aluminum, abortion cells, trace amounts of latex and peanut oil, eggs, dairy, bovine, eagle, dog, and chicken DNA.
Next thing you know they’ll be using African Green Monkey kidney cells and incurable wild pig diseases in childhood vaccination concoctions. Oh, wait, they already do....read more>>>...