Further Reading

Tuesday 23 April 2019

The Annihilation Agenda: Why globalists are actively working to exterminate 90% of the human race

If those who lived and those who died was detemined by a 'sanity check' then it is likely that the globalists, being the most insane, would be the first to be exterminated!

[Natural News]: Globalists are actively working to exterminate 90% of the human race, telling themselves that eliminating “useless eaters” is the only way to “save the planet.”

The annihilation of the vast majority of humans on planet Earth is now openly advocated by left-wing influencers and the wealthy elite, including Bill Gates, Ted Turner and even comedians like Bill Maher who just wants people to, “Not have kids, DIE, and stay dead.”

“As he argued that humans hurt the environment, he concluded that it would be better for Earth for more people to ‘not have kids, die and stay dead,'” reports NewsBusters.org.

Understand that deranged Leftists really believe the planet will be destroyed if humans are allowed to survive much longer. Left-wing nut case Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez warns that planet Earth only has 12 more years before it will be destroyed by “climate change” — a completely fabricated junk science narrative invented by power-hungry Leftists who are almost universally illiterate in the realm of real science.

Because Leftists truly believe humans are a threat to the planet, they have no qualms whatsoever about calling for the mass genocide of human beings around the world. After all, they are trying to “save the planet,” they tell themselves, which means in their minds, the ends justify the means.
As the global annihilation agenda is ramping up, laws are now being pushed that will allow governments to efficiently dispose of billions of bodies by “recycling” them back into the food supply. (Soylent Green, anyone?)

In the state of Washington, for example, a new “human composting” bill has been passed by the state House and Senate. Once signed into law, it would allow human corpses to be liquefied and flushed into the sewer system. From there, “biosludge” is collected by every city in America — including Seattle — where it is dehydrated and trucked out to the rural farms in surrounding areas. There, it’s dumped on farm fields after being dishonestly labeled “free fertilizer” for farmers....read more>>>...