Further Reading

Sunday 28 April 2019

The Hidden Controllers of the Matrix

[Humans Are Free]: The illusion of being separate and being a human is so strong because of the programming is embedded inside of us.

The true controllers of this programming and of thus the controllers of the matrix are not human.

Forgetting who you are was supposed to be a grand experiment. The original matrix was created as a way to experience what it was like to be in the densest vibration of physicality as an individualized aspect of Source. The remembrance of who you are would always be there for you to access.

The human body is a vehicle for consciousness that allows you to take a ride in a computer driven hologram. The software for what you experience resides in our DNA, which is in our cells.

Cells are made of energy, vibration, sound, geometry, and water. The controllers of the matrix can control through the hologram by changing the DNA matrix template for the human body.

We can look around us to see that most of humans have no idea that they are as aspect of Source. They rely on their five senses to gauge what their reality and existence is.

This is because everyone here was born into the DNA re-programming and then backed up with outside repetition and illusions. Religion is a huge part of the problem.

While most churches promote community, support, and forgiveness, the hidden agenda is to program people to pray to a God outside of themselves for help.

Many of the older religions rely on a fear of God so that one gives their power and prayers to “out there” so that they never realize God is inside of them.

However, priests, bankers, militia, corporate leaders, and politicians are not the actual controllers of the matrix. The organic matrix was designed in conjunction with an artificial intelligence that can interact with a “player”.

The body is the vehicle for the player to interact with an intelligent and brilliant system....read more>>>...