Further Reading

Wednesday 24 April 2019

The Third Dimension of Fire. Part One

[David Icke]: I feel the truth about our world, who runs it, and our place in it will soon hit the cosmic fan of revelation.

The status quo narrative spun by the handlers of this construct is coming apart at the seams for those who are paying attention – and as a result, we are seeing our reality from a different perspective. Organized ‘god fearing’ religions, the media and our peers have brainwashed us to believe that this dog eat dog world of blood, sex, and survival was created by a benevolent god.

When, it is pretty obvious that this brutal construct was made by a devil – most likely the narcissistic prick whose bloody fingerprints and wars of conquest come alive in the pages of the old testament…a creature that through violence and threats proclaimed itself a god….past and present.

When we enter the non local mind or Krishnamurti’s quiet mind we transcend this limited plane of existence. Non local reality is a state of being where the ego I – the chattering voice totally disappears. It is Nirvana a transcendent state in which there is neither suffering, desire, nor sense of self.

For us in our present state of understanding this loss of sensation, emotion and personality is hard to grasp because we identify self with the I and its desires and physical sensations.

So what happened to us… how did we lose the awesome awareness of infinity? – and become trapped in this dual, fractal world of conflict to basically suffer and die. Maybe the fabled fall of man was the hijacking of infinite awareness by other beings divorced from the Oneness state...read more>>>...