Further Reading

Wednesday, 10 April 2019

The U.S.’s problem with PC-culture: Lack of free speech will be the country’s downfall

[Natural News]: Without free speech returning in full force to college campuses across the United States, the country will see itself perish of politically correct induced culture. One American journalist says that the PC culture will be the entire country’s downfall.

Every day we are bombarded by the PC crowd telling us just what we can say and how we are allowed to say it. It is actually pretty difficult to say anything anymore without someone dictating the manner in which it can be said. And it all stems from America’s most insane of all asylums, college campuses.

"[This] leads us to the greatest insane asylums of them all, the American university. Once the proud home of intellectualism and academic freedom, these centers of higher learning now resemble fanatic hotbeds of intolerance and bigotry where an invasive type of poison ivy has overrun the structures, leaving the ivory towers to whither in perpetual darkness. Most people are only too familiar with horror stories of campus censorship where activist-minded students work to prevent guest speakers – sometimes by resorting to outright violence – from airing their ‘controversial’ ideas.” – Robert Bridge, via RT

Free speech, free thought, and the free exchange of ideas are now all to “radical” for institutions of higher learning. Unless both sides can agree that all speech, whether you like it or not, whether it’s fake news or not, whether you agree with it or not, should not be punished. Words cannot hurt anyone and shutting down speech has been the beginning of the decline of several once great nations....read more>>>...