Further Reading

Tuesday 16 April 2019

Understanding the 5D Shift

[Wake Up World]: Quantum physics tells us that the Universe is arrayed in dimensions of existence, through interconnected ‘strings’ of consciousness. And that there is a guiding force, drawing these ‘quanta’ to ever higher states of order and harmony (what it calls ‘neg entropy’).

It is this force – what we may call the ‘pull of Unity Consciousness’ – which actually creates instability in lower harmonies, ultimately causing them to breakdown and collapse. It is then that the strings of consciousness are released to reconvene at more aligned, higher frequencies…

Put simply, the soul through all sentient life evolves, and as it does so, the yearning for higher harmonies of unity and oneness, break unjust and misaligned realities down. Our heart felt yearning to be as-one with all of life, is the engine for a quantum shift to take place.

For millions of years, the earth has been suffering an Inter-dimensional Intervention, which has locked in place a controlling and unjust reality, that exploits sentient life. Now, at this crux time for the evolution of humanity, enough collective soul is emerging to challenge the injustices of the old consciousness, and to progressively break it down. That’s why in essence, we’re witnessing instability in the financial system, accelerated climate change and the rarification of natural resources. There is a breakdown of the old exploitative consciousness and a shift – a realignment of this energy – into higher states of consciousness; in this case, the Fifth Density.

What will the process for this Great Shift likely be?...read more>>>...