Further Reading

Friday 5 April 2019

Why Not Go Straight From A to Z?

We are still trying to get our head round the fact that this super intelligent; highly advanced ELITE, with all their super duper technology and god knows what else they have to use to subdue us; why they have to undertake all this underhand skullduggery; all this hidden agenda they've employed for the last hundreds of years.

To get us to the precipice they have us.

Why couldn't they just take us over and be done with it? They supposedly have all the technology; have the highly advanced mind control tactic; have been infecting our food, our air and our water for years to suppress us.

Why can't they just get it done?

There has to be a reason for all this undercover sinister planning; all this problem-reaction-solution; all this hidden hand evil ...

Why the a to b to c to d to e to f to g to h etc? Why not go straight from a to z?

Either there is a design/structure or order to conform to. OR and its a BIG OR....or ... it's all been bullshit. We've been fed lies about the Elite take over for decades. A big scam and a big scaremongering tactic. Perhaps they themselves have employed people to formulate the conspiracy tales? Maybe, just maybe, things are not as bad as we think they are. Its doubtful as so many strings appear to be pulled at the moment. There is something amiss with they way its playing out ... its never made sense ....

It's something relevantly important we are trying to figure out; as we are somewhat dismayed with how the world appears to be at the minute. The tune being played appears to sound a little like 'it all seems a waste of time; everything is inevitable, so you might as well give up now' which seems to be the way that someone out there wants us to feel. Defeated. Trapped. Hopeless. Useless.

But we are not. This is the truth. We are far from defeated or trapped or hopeless or useless. We are only that if we let ourselves feel like that. The trick is to separate ourselves emotionally from the world issues that create those feelings.


Our focus needs to go elsewhere. Away from BREXIT or vaccinations or 5G or transhumanism or AI or political correctness or fake news ... or whatever other distraction they choose to put up between us and the truth. The trick is to recognise they are a distraction and learn to look elsewhere. Its interesting what you see when you do that. Hence the line of questioning earlier on in this post. All is not what it seems ... ... ...