Further Reading

Tuesday 23 April 2019

Would You Like To Be Part Of the Surviving 700,000,000 After Globalistic Human Genocide? I wouldn't.

It's not really a shock; or even a revelation. It's just something that has always been seen as a 'conspiracy theory'; when in actual fact is a real truth that has been unfolding in plain sight. 

The fact is ... human depopulation is a sinister truth, and its already happening. Though not on the grand scale that will be manufactured over the next few years. I can talk about it, as I'm resigned to fate. Mankind is going to be systematically butchered and massacred. Human genocide is going to happen on scale this planet is likely never to have been seen before.

The crazies who consider themselves rulers of this earth wish to wipe out up to 90% of humans. Psychopathic and narcissistic followers of Demiurgism that have convinced themselves they are saving the planet by murdering 6.93 BILLION humans. Yes that's right they plan to rid the earth of 6.93 BILLION humans. That leaves 700,000,000 humans left on the planet.

But how will they decide who is going to live and who is going to die? Who is going to make the cut and be part of the remaining 700,000,000? And would you want to be part of that remainder. For those are likely to be the ones living in smart cities under 24/7 surveillance. Human slaves to the  Psychopathic and narcissistic followers of Demiurgism.

Why wish for that? When our consciousness would survive the genocide and be translated onto another dimension? Chances are, however, it will be another into enslaved virtual dimension. But its a chance to escape this current bedlam??? So why worry about this sorry, mad, crazy world? Why fight to be part of that slave colony controlled by artificial intelligence? Taken over by artificial intelligence? Hybrids that will be part human and part A.I? Sexless and thought controlled. A great future eh?

Mankind you should pat yourself on your back and congratulate yourselves on creating this wonderful future for yourselves. You are doomed. Doomed I tell you. Unless we all wake up from the enchantment and the mind control ... and realise what has been happening to you whilst technology has distracted you.

It might be too late to do anything as it appears to have gone too far. Human bodies are permanently damaged due to the influence of neurotoxins and other horrible things. Everything is now irreversible. The human form is basically corrupted beyond repair unless it can evolve and learn to adapt from the DNA malfunctions created by the scientists ruled by Demiurgism.

I personally don't care. Life is what life is. Its all an illusion. Its all an expression of the universe experiencing itself. Even if it has created a corrupted version of itself, this is a college education software program. Nothing more.