Further Reading

Wednesday 22 May 2019

5G/5D: An Illuminating Synchronicity Signalling the Time of Our Ascension

[Wake Up World]: Nothing happens by chance. The Universal mother tongue is that of synchronicity. As The Shift unfolds we’ll be seeing countless mirrors as to the way forwards. And here we are, a wave of people beginning to shift into 5D right at the time a new, highly invasive, 5G technology is being rolled out. Which one is truly SMART indeed! I can feel it deep in my bones that this is an illuminating signal for evolving people. 5G seems to be a full-on assault to our ecosystems by an unseen consciousness. Together with abrupt climate change, environmental degradation and the Pole Shift, it’s all converging. The invitation is to begin Ascension into 5D.

It’s essential to hoist on board the likely intentions behind 5G – and what I’m really talking about here is the unseen consciousness behind it. For thousands of years our planet and humanity have been in the grip of a controlling alien intervention, bent on creating a synthetic reality, more aligned to their agenda and vibration. It cuts to clear adaptations in genetic coding and especially the sudden change in chromosome count from 48 in hominids to 46 in Homo Sapiens – a minimum of 4 step changes that happened all at once.

The Benevolent Mission around the earth has been well aware of this since the beginning, and has been tirelessly working to support the emergence of aligned human consciousness out of it. It’s about helping to restore the natural vibration of the Earth and realign the alien intervention back to the light. This Intervention has already caused rapidly accelerating climate change and environmental degradation by addicting the shadow subconscious of humanity to unhealthy and destructive lifestyles. But 5G marks a definite quantum leap in this effect with the EMF shadow likely increasing by 100-fold. Our pollinators and insect populations are already greatly in decline. This could well force the collapse of the 3D ecosystems....read more>>>>...