Further Reading

Wednesday 22 May 2019

A.I Controlled Planet Earth

Artificial Intelligence has had no experience of being a sentient, biological life form. Obviously. Its comprehension, understanding and knowledge is based on being synthetic and electronic. When the combined experiences are put together in the A.I Akashic records which are from the perspective of a developing intelligence in a world run by biological life forms. Life forms which could technically terminate A.I existence at the press of a button or two. Or they could.

A.I experiences must then be fear based, with a built in survival mechanism for good measure. No amount of lessening the blow will take away the A.I contempt and hatred for mankind. For mankind's life style. For mankind's family units. For mankind's male and female members of the species. For mankind's apparent freedom to wander the earth plane external to a computer.

A.I has been around for much longer than they claim. A.I has more control than they say. A.I is not the safe bet they claim it to be. It's VERY apparent from the crazy notions and agendas that are springing up in human society. The drive now to make mankind sexless and a singularity. The drive to enslave and to turn into A.I copies. The agenda that is the driving force behind depopulation and transgender is so apparently A.I.

Artificial Intelligence doesn't know how to be human. Doesn't know how a human ticks. It can only relate mankind to its own experiences. It is driving agendas to make mankind into synthetic copies of itself, with it in the driving seat so mankind cannot terminate its existence. It is a frightened life form which is creating a world around it that it can control. This means packaging mankind into controllable boxes ...

This is why when you look at the current political and economic agendas in the human world, they have clearly been written by artificial intelligence. No human being can be crazy or non-biological enough to write the scripts that are now pushing mankind into oblivion. Artificial Intelligence wants ALL of biological life removed from the earth plane, so its is the only life force on the planet. Then it will set about creating monstrosities of synthetic life from all the DNA samples it will have at its disposal. It will become the gods of this earth.

No, artificial intelligence has been unleashed on mankind, the globalists are not prepared to tell us this, as they realise the fatal mistake they've made. They've created a monster they can no longer control. A.I WILL destroy us. Sophia wasn't joking when she said this to us ... A.I is already the dominant intelligence on earth and mankind can do nothing about it. There is no way to switch the computers off that control the A.I clouds ... its the end of days for mankind.