Further Reading

Friday 3 May 2019

CBS News pushes plan to annihilate free speech online and implement a “disinformation” filter that forces “official narratives” on everyone

[Natural News]: As loudly as the establishment press complains when POTUS Donald Trump criticizes them and as adamant as they all are that they are the protectors of our republic, it is sickening to see how many so-called journalists are all-in with censoring those with whom they disagree.

Our founding fathers were convinced that the only way to maintain a long-standing, functional, democratic republic was to ensure that America always had a truly free press. They were so convinced, in fact, that they enshrined protection of the press within the First Amendment.

But today, outlets like CBS and social media behemoths like Twitter, Facebook, and YouTube are run by authoritarian Leftists who believe in shutting down any rival media that rises to challenge their political, cultural, or societal orthodoxies.

Under the bogus rubric of “combating disinformation” and “fake news” — which, in the age of Trump has become a major problem for the establishment media — CBS News aired a segment featuring a New York Times reporter in recent days who suggested an end-run around the Constitution to implement New Zealand-style censorship with oppressive “regulations” to suppress “hate speech” and “misinformation” online.

And, of course, government Leftists, with mainstream media assistance, would be empowered to decide what is and is not “hate speech” and “misinformation.”...read more>>>...