Further Reading

Thursday 30 May 2019

Facebook is complicit in the global chronic disease crisis

[Natural News]: Just the other day, CrossFit Inc. made a bold public announcement that it will no longer be using either Facebook or Instagram (owned by Facebook) due to rampant social media censorship of free speech, which includes freedom of health speech.

In case you missed it, CrossFit is among the latest casualties in Big Tech’s crusade against the First Amendment, as one of its member pages was recently removed from Facebook for facilitating discussions about the health benefits of maintaining a low-carbohydrate, high-fat diet – this approach to nourishment directly contradicting the official government guidelines contained in the “food pyramid.”

After being challenged for this arbitrary censorship, Facebook relented and reinstated the page in question, with no explanation whatsoever about its actions. And CrossFit, being a courageous and principled defender of our American right to free speech, is now calling Facebook to task for its crimes against humanity, which include its shameless contributions to the global chronic disease crisis...read more>>>...