Further Reading

Monday 6 May 2019

“Goodbye Anthropogenic Global Warming” — Dr. Roger Higgs

[Electroverse.net]: “The Earth is now cooling,” says geologist Dr. Roger Higgs.

“Man-made-global-warming believers will by 2021 have to admit they were wrong and that CO2 is blameless and that Svensmark’s sun/cosmic ray/cloud/temperature link is correct.”

The IPCC’s 2013 report says the sun “cannot explain global mean surface warming over the past 25 years, because solar irradiance has declined over this period,” Higgs points out.

But the IPCC assumes Earth’s average surface temperature reacts almost instantly to solar-output changes, with a time-lag of less than 3 years. When Higgs cross-correlated solar cosmic-ray and temperature graphs, he found that massive ocean thermal inertia causes, not a 3-year lag, but a 25-year lag.

“The ‘man-made-global-warming’ idea is a fallacy whose time is nearly over,” says Higgs....read more>>>...