Further Reading

Wednesday 22 May 2019

Impending DOOM of “Climate Change” is the latest environmental scare tactic for imposing high taxes and regulatory schemes dressed up as “solutions”

[Natural News]: Profiting from supporting chemical medicine, toxic food, and money laundering – that’s the “M.O.” (mode of operation) for most politicians when they get to the top – including the Congress of the United States of America. One of the greatest Ponzi schemes for laundering trillions of dollars is upon us right now, and the Left is pushing the “garbage pile” as hard and fast as they can. That would be global warming, or climate change, or man-made climate change, or any weather condition that’s not “normal” anywhere on Earth, from here on out.

Did you see a tornado? That’s global warming. Was there an earthquake somewhere? That’s global warming. Is there a drought happening anywhere? That’s global warming.

If you thought Iraq was a disaster, wait until you see America under “Democrat” rule. Just like Bush “W” and Cheney destroyed Iraq’s total infrastructure on false pretense that Saddam Hussein had WMDs, the Clintons, AOC, Obama, and Soros want to destroy America, every school, every business, and all media they can’t control. The “New Green Deal” will destroy every farm, the equipment, and all 18-wheeler trucks that deliver food across the nation.

Every city will be demolished, full of ruins, and the zombie apocalypse won’t just be a movie called World War Z, it will actually be happening all around you, everywhere.

This is how the Democrats will eliminate the middle class and rule “Amerika” forever, as tyranny, as a complete police state, always in a state of war, famine, and global warming.

ust how much money has Al Gore pocketed from the ultimate hucksterism? He’s like the guy on the street corner in New York City with the 3-cups-and-a-ball trick, except this is done with propaganda, fear tactics, and an international, worldwide tour via leer jet rides. Now AOC, most likely the dumbest politician (much less Congress person) on the planet, is pushing the same propaganda Al Gore pushed, with his apocalyptic dates that already came and went, except now it has a new name – the Green Moron Deal.

What year is it now, 2,000? Will all the computers blow up? What year is it now, 1992, when Nostradomas predicted flood and famine across the globe? Or is it 2019, when some joke of a leader claims we have just 12 years to save the Earth from bursting into flames, by our own design. It’s a money laundering scheme bigger than anything you’ve ever seen, heard of, or been a part of, willfully or not. It’s fake climate alarmism at its best. There is no science consensus, either. That’s a big lie.

Global warming has no science consensus. No cities on continent edges are covered in sea water. Nope. No deserts have doubled in size. No great lakes have dried up. The glaciers are mostly growing, and at rates blacked out by the mass media, of course.

We are slowing killing ourselves with radiation though. Yep. From Fukushima, and nobody is talking about that. It’s getting to California. They’re eating it. Maybe by the time the whole state of California is controlled by Communist China, Soros, Obama, Zuckerberg, Dorsey, and Bezos, everybody living there will be too nuclear exposed to even know how to vote...read more>>>...