Further Reading

Monday 20 May 2019

The Next Big Bang – Human Consciousness and the Universe’s Ultimate Secret

We are observers of a computerised construct reality; where the CPU that runs the construct reality has, somehow, been hacked and its algorithms reprogrammed. We are at the mercy of the non-biological life forms that appear to run the show. 

[Wake Up World]: The stream of human knowledge is heading toward a non-physical reality. The universe begins to look more like a great thought than a great machine. – Sir James Jeans

For at least two hundred years science has been telling us that any ideas of spirituality we might hold dear are little more than ignorant leftovers of a superstitious past – foolish relics.

But the truth is, physics itself, that most foundational of all sciences, has now progressed far beyond that initial, dismissive assessment, to a conceptual worldview far more accepting of spirituality than ever before. To grasp the nuts and bolts of this new science, then, is to understand the nuts and bolts that support a new, evolving and far more sophisticated grasp of spirit than has ever before been available to us.

This new conceptual framework is absolutely critical to our grasp of spirit, and, frankly, for those previously unfamiliar with the discoveries of modern physics, this new framework may at first seem nothing short of “other worldly” itself – as the old saying goes, the truth can at times be far stranger than fiction. So let’s start by taking a close look at what the new physics has to tell us...read more>>>...