Further Reading

Friday 3 May 2019

These Are Very Odd Times

We've been drawn off track somewhat in recent weeks. Please accept our humblest apology for that. But, it was so easy to wander in the wrong direction, especially with all the brainwashing going on; not forgetting the microwave mind control out there too.

Too many folk are being taken in by 'the measles hoax' and 'the climate change hoax' and so many other fear mongering stories at the moment. It's a deliberate and sinister design by 'the hidden hand' to bring mankind in line with the perception frequencies it needs mankind to be on.

We weren't taken in. We just felt the need to report on these matters; but maybe not to the extent we did. At the exclusion of other things, no. But the perception changing stories are truly on the overwhelming stage at the moment. There is of course 'the transgenderism annoyance' going on too ...which we've hardly covered; but from what we can see there has been some serious genetic tampering undertaken in the last decade or two; which has created children and young adults who are truly mentally fucked up. There is a whole host of strange things being done and enacted by these 'new humans' ... and new humans is the only way to describe them.

They are almost impossible to relate to; they seem almost 'alien' and they represent our future. Very dangerous times. Very odd times.

But that is not my personal concern, as hardly any of these matters are tainting my perceptions. When you know the truth of something, no matter how much someone tries to convince you otherwise, your 'knowing' remains. My only personal concern is the 5G ... but that's another thing designed with all the fear mongering to corrupt your perception of life. It is likely to be an incredibly dangerous technology, if you let your fears run away with you. If you let 5G into your reality as a killer and dangerous and deadly etc. If its brought into your perception as something that won't affect you, with the power of consciousness, maybe your frequency range will lie beyond its limiting frequencies ... and not affect you as much as someone who's taken in by all the fearing of 5G.

Only time will tell. But we need to put something into perspective. If you really fall for the 'one life, and then there is nothing' crap then I guess this world and your perception of it is screwed. But if you are like me, having dealt with the supernatural and the paranormal for his entire life, you know from your own experiences this is not the only life, and not the only dimension to exist on. With that truth as a core knowing, none of this current fear mongering really affects me.

It's all about personal choice. My personal choice is to hold up a middle finger to the hidden hand for as long as I can.