Further Reading

Friday 24 May 2019

Transcending the Illusion of Light Versus Dark

[Waking Times]: If you are reading this article, then you’re probably aware that there is a great awakening spreading throughout Humanity.

More and more people are awakening to their true spiritual nature, the greater spiritual reality, and the metaphysical nature of existence. It is this awakening that will inevitably lead to a great transformation of ourselves and our world.

As a part of this awakening process, more and more people are becoming acutely aware that humanity has been under the thumb of some very negative and self-serving people bent on their own self-aggrandizement and world domination.

Many awakening souls are more than a little shocked when they realize the truth of this — when they realize that we’ve allowed ourselves to be unwittingly manipulated and subjugated by these dark ones.

Some are so appalled by the unsettling revelations of lies, greed, manipulation, and control that they get drawn into judgment, blame, and condemnation of those seen as responsible (some even get stuck obsessively focusing on the injustice of it, a very unproductive state of mind that I call awakening shock syndrome).

With the shock of this realization, it’s no wonder that many people buy into the belief that a part of our ascension process involves a battle between good and evil and the defeat of the dark ones. A trap that is critical to become aware of because it can potentially stop us from ascending and co-creating a new and better Earth.

It’s important to understand that the terms “light” and “dark” are simply metaphors for the degree of connectivity and alignment that one has with their higher self. When one is well-connected and aligned with the higher levels of their consciousness (their soul, over-soul, and beyond), they increasingly express a way of being that reflects the state of being of their higher self. This way of being is characterized by unconditional love, compassion, forgiveness, acceptance, allowance, fearlessness, positivity, and service-to-others — to name just a few. The more you express these qualities, the more it could be said that you are “shining the light” of your higher self into this world.

In the same vein, the term “dark” or “darkness” is simply a metaphor for the lack of connection and alignment with ones higher self. When one is poorly connected and misaligned with one’s higher self, one’s way of being will veer off in the direction of negativity, fear, self-servedness, and perhaps even a lust for power-over-others. How far one will go in this direction just depends on one’s degree of misalignment with their higher self and their unique set of experiences. The more one expresses this way of being, the more it could be said that one is in “darkness” or “playing in the dark” — or if we want to get over-dramatic “gone to the dark side.” ...read more>>>...