Further Reading

Friday 24 May 2019

Worlds Beyond The Poles

This is reality; it is truth stranger than any fiction the world has known: There is no physical end to the Earth’s northern and southern extent. The Earth merges with land areas of the universe about us that exist straight ahead beyond the North Pole and the South Pole “points” of theory.

It is now established that we may at once journey into celestial land areas by customary movement on the horizontal from beyond the Pole points. It is also known that the flight course from this Earth to connecting land area of the universe about us which appears “up,” or out, from the Earth, will always be over land, and water, and vegetation common to this Earth area of the Universe whole. Never need we “shoot up,” as popular misconception demands, to reach celestial land existing under every luminous area we observe at night. On the contrary, we will move straight ahead, and on the same physical level, from either of theory’s imaginary Pole points.

Confirmation of such a flight course is had in that of the U.S. Navy task force of  February, 1947, which penetrated 1,700 miles beyond the North Pole point, and beyond the known Earth. Additional and more recent confirmation was acquired by the flight of a U.S. Navy air unit on January 13, 1956, which penetrated 2,300 miles over land beyond the South Pole.

There is no space whatever between areas of the created Universe. But there must deceptively appear to be space in all observations. That apparent space results from the illusory globularity and isolation of celestial sky areas. The same illusory conditions have been proved to develop from observation of luminous outer sky areas of the terrestrial. “Outer sky” means the sky as it is observed against stratosphere darkness.

The concept that the Universe is comprised of globular and isolated “bodies” originated from the curvature that is developed by all lenses. And that lens -developed curvature fosters the deceptive appearance of globular and isolated “bodies” comprising the Universe. The “bodies” are illusory. The ancient conclusion of Galileo Galilei, that luminous celestial areas are isolated from each other and are “circling or ellipsing in space” was founded on the inescapable errors of lens functioning. The “circling” movement apparent to Galileo is an illusion. In an endless land and sky Universe of 13 reality, the undulating, or billowing, of luminous sky gas enveloping the entire Universe must deceptively appear as a circling or ellipsing movement. The deceptive appearance develops from the fact that such gaseous sky movement is detected by a circular lens. Hence there is necessarily reproduced the circular and therefore globular - appearing lens image.

Under the mobile sky gas, which extends throughout he celestial realm, there is undetectable but very factual land, water, vegetation, and life like that common to this Earth. Therefore, the so called “stars” and “planets” of astronomical designation are in reality lens produced apparently globular and isolated areas of a continuous and  unbroken luminous celestial outer sky surface. It envelops every land area of the celestial in the same manner that it envelops the terrestrial land. (Worlds Beyond The Poles by F. Amadeo Giannini)