Further Reading

Thursday 27 June 2019

75% Of The Way To An Eternal Prison

Well ... we're now over half way through 2019; that's over 6 months into the 24 months that is going to reshape mankind as a species forever. That's 25% gone and 75% of the way to go to the prison door shutting tight, by our reckoning.

It may already be too late to stop the archonic juggernaut.

Artificial clouds, manufactured weather systems, geo engineering, chemtrails are EVERYWHERE. If you are not aware yet how the world's weather systems are being tampered with, controlled and manufactured ... then you really need to get your perceptions changed very quickly and tune into the precarious danger that we are facing every day.

Europe is about to experience it's hottest July days ever; parts of Australia are experiencing their lowest temperatures. This is NOT CLIMATE CHANGE. This is not CO2. Carbon is not responsible for climate issues. THE CRAZY MAD ELITE are! They are screwing up the world's climate to FORCE HOME their FAKE CLIMATE CHANGE AGENDA.

You need to unchain yourself from your latest phone or Ipad or whatever you use. You need to avoid falling for all the distractions that are springing up around the world concerning vaccines, gender, race etc etc and see what is going on right before your eyes. The earth is not a cosy place to reside in ... it is being run by demon worshippers who are intent in creating life forms for their demonic masters and satanic inter-dimensional pets. A.I will provide these predatory vermin with those bodies.

Then the real fun will start. Demons will over-run mankind 100%; they rule about 45% at the minute. Then they plan to fuse mankind with a demonic entity ... and then bingo, the human is suppressed and the demon gets all the universal memories accessible from personal akashic records. Game over!

We've not even mentioned the ultimate surveillance, control and mass genocide tool yet. 5G!

5G is rolling out across the world, and seemingly can't be stopped. Satellites are apparently going up around the earth that will beam deadly pulse rays of 5G across every inch of the planet. Again, the end game for the crazy gang.

We're being forced into becoming plant based food dependent; as well as eating synthetic biology and silicon valley laboratory 'food' produce. We've to save the animals and we've to accept this will contribute to alleviating the apparent climate change issue.  Another BIG SCAM and more climate change alarmism!

We have the transgender madness that is the early stages of turning humans in transhuman beings; IF you or I survive that long ...

That's all very well and good ... we've 18 months left basically ... until we can do nothing but sit and wait for .... well .... assimilation.

But, something is 'naggingly' familiar about the situation on earth at the moment. A forgotten memory maybe, but this thing about UFO sightings at the moment ... with everything here being a sound vibration. There may well be a good chance that ... things might not turn out too bad.

In the end ... all we can do is make sure what we are thinking are our own thoughts; that are perceptions are true to our selves ...