Further Reading

Sunday 23 June 2019

Australian farmers eliminate herbicide-resistant “superweeds” using natural non-herbicidal methods

[Natural News]: Farms in Western Australia raise wheat and barley as the main food crops. The biggest threat comes from ryegrass superweeds that developed resistance to excessively used herbicides.

Local farmers came up with management strategies for ryegrass come the harvest period.

They employed a combination of cultural and mechanical strategies to protect their crops from getting overrun by the weeds.

They directed efforts at managing the so-called weed seed bank. By destroying the seeds, they reduced the number of new weeds and the chances of infestation.

Some farmers dumped the wheat chaff behind the combine harvester. They either collected the chaff at a later period or burned the organic waste product.

Other practitioners deployed the Harrington Weed Seed Destructor. The ominous-sounding device crushed the seeds of weeds while leaving the wheat grain untouched....read more>>>...