Further Reading

Saturday 15 June 2019

Do Not Enter The 'World Brain' If You Want To Remain A Free Thinker

Just imagine being on a dimension where you have no memory of how you got there; no memory of who you were before you go there; no idea of who or what you are. A dimension where you have no freedom, but because you have nothing to compare your reality with, you accept it as being your reality. A dimension where you can't think for yourself; where your every thought, action, reaction, emotion is manufactured. A dimension where effectively you are just 'part of a machine'.

Doesn't sound very awe inspiring does it? Well, this is what mankind is heading towards. The once soft sell, now much harder sell and push, towards trans-humanism is the slippery slope to this new reality.

The 'world brain' is almost complete. Artificial Intelligence is now coming on line; 5G is being rolled out and very soon its grid of power boxes will go around the world and the 5G cloud will activate. All those nanobits that are inside of us all will be activated ... and suddenly ... mankind ceases to have freewill and control of thoughts and actions.

It will then be a simple push, and survivors of mankind; after and during the slow death culling; will be convinced that being connected to computers, via nanodust, and then having their consciousness uploaded into the world brain, is the right thing to do.

Then its over. Human existence as biological man will cease; because 100% when a human consciousness is fully uploaded into the human brain, it will lose ALL MEMORIES of its existence and awareness before the upload. It will become a character designated for it within the world brain. And there will be no escape. That's eternal reality for it then in this fake reality. That is the seriousness of what lies ahead ....

But, sadly, hardly any human beings are aware of these consequences. The choices they have been making are leading to this termination of biological man. And it appears too late to avert this end of days. There will be those who won't go into the world brain; there will be those who will remain on this current version of fake earth. What happens to them is anyone's guess. But it won't be pleasant IF THEY SURVIVE.