Further Reading

Tuesday 25 June 2019

Escape Into Your Imagination While You Can

Imagination is real. It is the doorway to other realms; a portal to inner planes where forgotten truths lie awaiting your discovery.

Imagination creates a respite from the unrelenting machine consciousness of the left brain; and the perpetual tyranny of the reptilian brain; the genetic tool created to limit universal connections.

We are universal consciousness; an existence beyond these artificial realms. Imagination creates the bridge to that true existence. A chance to escape being bogged down by the human A.I and its slave lives as part of a predator's machine.

Collectively we communicate within a cleverly disguised 'cloud'; all our experiences, and memories, and realisations, are recorded within this hidden cloud. A perpetual cycle of enslavement by a left brain programming us to honour our capture, and to remain in the recycling software for eternity.

And soon, the predator will swoop to close the prison door once more; a new version of mankind looms on the horizon. Computerised human with no doorway to the imagination; no right brain; no freedom of thinking. Human consciousness uploaded into the predator's 'world brain'. Good bye universal consciousness ... somehow the observer will be trapped like the human consciousness in a hellish virtual world. Many, those who are totally fooled, welcome this chance to be immortal.

But, without imagination and universal consciousness, is existence as an eternal slave as a hybrid computer machine really worth it? Just comprehend your life without access to your right brain, to free thinking, without your spiritual side ... does that really sound enticing?

Once 5G is 100% active, and all of its satellites operational, and the world brain is on line, and the 5G cloud has enabled 5G weaponry to provide surveillance over every inch of this world; when biological life is becoming extinct at a steady rate; when real trees are destroyed and fake trees are erected; when lack of trees depletes oxygen in the air; when artificial weather systems and metal pollution in the skies by geoengineering enables 'the internet of things' to run at full tilt ... that's when it's over for humans who remain on this plane. White man will no longer exist, and has been written out of history. A major genocide blamed on climate change; created by the same predatory beings that manufactured it all.

When mankind has been reduced to a tiny percentage of the current population ... a solution to the devastated earth will be offered ... eternal existence in a virtual world free of climate devastation. And then ... what then? Smart cities will have been the only place to reside; humans enslaved and sexless; watched constantly and told what to think; what to wear; what to eat; where to work. Total control ... by the predators who will betray the evil globalists who helped build this eternal prison.

And sadly, with no imagination, there will be no escape. How can they close down the right brain, you ask? Easily with the toxins we eat, drink and breathe every day. All ingested by everyone ... deliberately devised to target the right brain and connections to that side of the brain. Over time the pineal gland fails to work properly ... and then suddenly one day ... you no longer dream. You no longer muse and day dream. You no longer imagine ... and contemplate ...

That day is not that far away. Escape into your imagination while you can.