Further Reading

Sunday 16 June 2019

Is It Time To Pay Attention To Your Inner Child?

Have you ever wondered why you keep making the same poor choices over and over again? Or why relationships in your life suffer because of poor communication between parties? Or why you sometimes feel as though you have no control in your life?

It could be well be that your inner child is in the driver's seat, and if you've ever seen a young child's attempts to drive a car, is it no wonder your life is potentially on a crash course.

Fear, anger, and jealousy are just a few of the simple ways our inner child can sabotage us without meaning to. Addiction and other dangerous behaviors are some of the more serious issues attributed to allowing the inner child to make adult decisions.

Once you can identify whether or not your inner child is in charge, you can begin to change the behavior and patterns that are keeping you from creating the life and relationships you want and deserve, and that's what this course will help you achieve.

Our inner child is part of us--actually it is us at one point in our life. But even though we grow up physically, a part of us still remains that child. This can be good in terms of play, fun, and just looking at life with the wonder of a child. Yet when our inner child is permitted to be the driver's seat, making life decisions that children have no business making, that's an entirely different story.

Your Inner Child is actually an echo of the child you once were.

We are all individuals with our own unique history and we all are victims of our environment, life events and the significant people around us. Each one of these scenarios has influenced us and been part of our inner development.

Our inner child has kept a record of these memories, and the way they have impacted on us.

We have all made ‘decisions’ on a very deep sub-conscious level, usually relating to how we ‘should’ be and what we ‘should’ do in order to be seen as being ‘normal’ and ‘OK’, and how to be seen ‘survive’ in our families.

Therefore, it makes perfect sense that we should, at some time, revisit the experiences of the child we once were in order to find out what our own life script says about our life and the unfolding dramas we are constantly re-creating, and more often than not, repeating.

Not doing so could actually result in us constantly playing out the same un-examined scripts and dramas over and over again. However, we cannot simply change the script by talking about it, or by conscious effort alone. The script has been designed to keep us safe; more often than not in ways that now hinder us; so the inner child isn’t given up the script that easily!

In reality, for most of us, we are living our lives like a child inside an adult’s body; it’s likely that the inner child yearns for undivided attention, some understanding, care and support.

Many us may try to silence these deeper longings with alcohol or drugs; by promiscuity or gambling; by over-spending or over-eating; by self-harming; or by other ways of avoiding the deeper needs we have. These deep-rooted needs may well be needs and fears which we haven’t yet allowed ourselves to become fully aware of; or have been able to find a way to be dealt with in our adult life. (Sources: Daily Om and Life Lab Psychologies )