Further Reading

Wednesday 5 June 2019

Lest We Conjure A.I.

[David Icke]: "He who fights with monsters might take care lest he thereby become a monster. And if you gaze for long into an abyss, the abyss gazes also into you.” - Friedrich Nietzsche

The fear of an artificially intelligent takeover grows by the day, and by the night we dream it. How far will we dream this before it comes true?

As the veil thins more and more every hour forward, our subconscious and conscious attentions are collected within each hour, and the more concentrated it becomes. By the organic nature of reality, this effect pools in our very thoughts to create the World we see today. As we live our daily life, we draw to us ethereal wisps of energy by our senses. What we see, hear, feel, smell, taste, and perceive is like choosing the ingredients and meals of destiny’s potluck.

Where we place our time, we also accept, and thus conjure up; thereby, the greater we focus on the terror of artificial intelligence, the greater WE ACCEPT THAT AS OUR DESTINED REALITY.

If we wish to delve deeper into this great lie we are being sold, we have found another new depth to this tragedy. Money and media dance hand in hand to entertain and to influence us on a daily basis, for the Human Soul thrives on creativity. So what better way to rip away our control than for the pied piper to lead us down the rabbit hole of pretty ideas and fancy amusement? One trick after another, we consistently condone this deception, even if we do not totally agree with its rules, perhaps this new, trendy contract will be for the greater good? For each new contract we spiritually sign, we allow its consequences and horrors to unfold.

Doom and gloom our sensual World depicts, but who is writing the script? Are we writing it, or do we leave it up to the care of the “professional magi”? No matter if the subject is science, art, politics, fiction, or religion, the Human Soul is demonized as never being suitable for existence, and exaggerated on the basis that we are all only “automatons just alike”.

But you see, this is how these demonic magi operate. “As above, so below, as within, so without”, they create their Magic by casting their exact, true natures onto the World. In this way, they summon shadows of themselves to do their bidding.

Whether they be celebrity clones, technological poisons, legal dictatorship, or religious pseudonyms, they are all but algorithmic copies used to persuade Humanity to devote their power toward opening the gate of the Nether and collectively granting Kali Yurga’s full form access to our Middle Earth.

And when it is all said and done, what will be left of our beautiful, precious Earth? Lovecraft’s story of Cthulu wasn’t just a spooky tale; it was a warning if we continue to allow ourselves to be its prey.

So then, how do we make our stand against this threat? The veil still opens just as nature ensures it, but remember that the Dark One can only truly enter its form into our domain if we permit it, no different than the Nosferatu’s house invitation.

Repel its siren’s song, and CHOOSE WHAT YOU TAKE INTO YOUR PERCEPTION. Do we have to keep watching the same television shows about demonic possessions, deceit, and murder? Do we have to keep reading the same books and tweets about how little we mean to the World or how we are unable to fight the onslaught of the New World Order’s government and military?

I think you will be very surprised by all that you CAN do and create....read more>>>..