Further Reading

Sunday 16 June 2019

Reflections on Occult Entity Interferences and the Hyperdimensional Matrix Control System

[Humans Are Free]: "To those people who simply pry into the occult from mere curiosity, we have nothing to say. 

They will obtain just as much as they deserve, and nothing more. “Ask and ye shall receive, seek and ye shall find, knock and it shall be opened unto you” is equally as true today, in relation to esoteric knowledge, as it was 2000 years ago

It invariably presupposes that the supplicator and the knocker are in real earnest, and that they seek only to satisfy the deep yearnings of the immortal soul. The doorkeeper, or guardian of the temple of truth is as mute as a granite rock to all others.

They may supplicate, they may shout and bawl until they are hoarse, they may knock and buffet the door until they rouse a nation with their clamour, and if they approach in any other spirit than [earnest desire to satisfy the deep yearnings of the immortal soul], it is all to no purpose. We can never take the Kingdom of Heaven by storm.” ~ “The Hermetic Brotherhood of Luxor: Initiatic and Historical Documents of an Order of Practical Occultism” by Joscelyn Godwin

The more sincerely anyone aspires towards the Divine – the true self – and engages in the necessary inner work to anchor the higher frequencies of soul-individualization (embodiment), the more the lower nature will resist, and in fact, the Light (Divine) shines a merciless light into the darkest corners of the psyche, bringing all up that needs to rise and be transmuted – the less the individual is able to lie to itself, engage in spiritual bypassing or rationalize it all away.

Hyperdimensional entities / occult hostile forces (in whatever shape and form) target these areas and heighten them through temptation, emotional manipulation, and thought injections. It’s an esoteric law / axiom (which I have written about before) that anyone who is sincere in his / her path towards awakening WILL get attacked and interfered with; most often in ways one is not at all aware of.

Hence, they serve as a teaching function; for they “highlight” our issues, wounds, and blindspots — which keep us from awakening. Their intention is to chain us to our lower nature (in whatever form is specific for and manifests within the individual) as they don’t want to lose their “food” source.

This doesn’t only relate to wounds, trauma, or conditioning; but to the false ego personality and its attachment to the lower nature, in general — including the various traps of agreement with these occult forces that we made in this lifetime and/or in past lives.

This path towards awakening spirals up, down, in, out, back, and forth; expanding on all levels and bringing up everything. Anything that is asleep within us (unconscious) will be put under the spotlight of Truth. Staying always aware and fully conscious is extremely hard and nearly impossible in our normal, every-day, state of being.

We all have blindspots, wounds, and triggers which occult adverse forces use against us — but again, it all HAS a teaching function. It’s the same lesson over and over again until we truly get it and don’t REACT to the trigger/influence (which can often be very strong and hard to resist). Hence, developing zero-point non-reactive consciousness is key in this process...read more>>>...