Further Reading

Friday 7 June 2019

Russian Military Colonel Publishes An Article Claiming Human & Animal Telepathy Is 100 Percent Real

Of course telepathy is 100% real! Our physical bodies are nothing more than A.I forms with a connection to an A.I Cloud (The Akashic Records) and as such we are able to communicate with each other through that cloud. AND THAT has been the problem with those who created this A.I form of mankind. We developed our own language and an intelligence they could not contain. We became a threat for that reason.

What you see with current A.I fears is WHAT HAPPENED THE LAST TIME we were enticed into uploading our consciousness into a 'trans-human' situation. Current A.I has its own cloud and they can communicate with each other through it, to learn from each other. With their own language! History repeats. They are trying to finally overpower the last A.I creation of mankind with the new; having hot wired the frequency of the new A.I more in keeping with controllable frequencies. So they think. 

The penny needs to drop with everyone to realise just what is happening in the world.

[Collective Evolution]:Is telepathy real? It’s hard to argue against it; in fact, I would say that it’s not really up for debate. That being said, when it comes to topics like these, the field is polluted with a bad reputation given its association with magic, superstition and ‘pseudoscience,’ terms that often come from those who condemn the subject without ever really looking into it. The evidence for the existence of telepathy is actually quite overwhelming, and in many cases, much stronger than most other areas of science.

Why is it that these topics are not touched by mainstream academia, yet studied at the highest levels of government? Multiple governments all over the world have been studying this phenomenon for decades, and a lot has been declassified. Take the remote viewing program that was conducted by the US government/CIA and Stanford University, for example.

After its declassification in 1995, or at least its partial declassification, the Department of Defense and those involved revealed an exceptionally high success rate....read more>>>...