Further Reading

Wednesday 5 June 2019

The Climate Change Alarmism Agenda and Human Genocide

Social media and news media sites are currently awash with CLIMATE CHANGE ALARMISM reports. 

Apparently we have barely a decade left on this planet. We're pumping out so much life giving poison (CO2) that its warming the planet and about to exterminate us all. We're expelling billions of tons of this apparently DEADLY gas up into the atmosphere and its causing the atmosphere to heat up as it traps and reflects the light from the sun.

That's the FAKE SCIENCE that the brainwashed and the mind controlled are jumping on to in heightened states anxiety without even bothering to do any research! They are buying the fake science without questioning it.

First of all Carbon Dioxide is an ESSENTIAL gas for life. We may be pumping out billions and billions of tons of the the stuff. But, since it has a specific density of 1.5, it is actually a heavy gas, and unlike the lighter gases such as hydrogen and helium which are lighter than air and therefore RISE, Carbon Dioxide actually FALLS .... it is only added to the atmosphere via volcanic ejections!

Mankind is not responsible. Carbon Dioxide actually helps to COOL the earth. What we are experiencing is actually GLOBAL COOLING. We are heading into a minor ice age. This is part of the natural warming and cooling cycle of that rather WARM ORB in the sky known as THE SUN (Research The Sun and see that it actually heats up the earth) ... funnily enough when there is an increase in solar flare activity, the earth warms up; and when the activity decreases, the earth cools down! Carbon Dioxide levels are actually in correlation with this cycle.

So you see, we are not responsible. The more CO2 there is in the lower atmosphere, the greener and healthier the planet is .... funny that.

However, we do have climate pollution issues. We're not denying there is a climate problem. And it is man made ... yes. But, it is DELIBERATELY engineered by way of manufactured weather systems and chemtrails by the insane Globalists who are hellbent on driving mankind down the UN Agenda 2030 route ... which is effectively de-population to help save the planet, and another means to make trillions of pounds/dollars from off the brainwashed and gullible human race.

They are forcing the agenda. Driving the climate change problem through fear mongering ... getting their media outlets to push hard the extinction of mankind frenzy. People like Greta Goldilocks and the Extinction Rebellion are funded by these psycopaths. YES, there will be extinction and billions dying. But it won't be due to climate change. It will be by deliberate and cold calculated GENOCIDE, by these same lunatics who are whipping up everyone's anxiety with the day after day drip feed of climate change and global warming.

Say something enough times and people will believe it. Its classic brainwashing and mind control. It's time to do your own research before jumping into the alarm frenzy you are being mind controlled into. Ask yourself, who benefits from the greener, electrical, plant based food etc etc agenda??? THE GLOBAL ELITE. So who are creating all the frenzy???? THE GLOBAL ELITE through their Media Outlets. They've invested trillions of dollars/pounds in this agenda. They have really advanced mind control techniques at their disposal.

They basically want us to bend at the knee before them and demand SOMETHING MUST BE DONE. Which is part two of the classic PROBLEM-REACTION-SOLUTION brainwashing technique. People like Greta Goldilocks have been employed to drive the younger generation to demand the something must be done.

Then comes the solution. And it is very close ... de-population is in that solution. Billions of lives to be exterminated, sadly.

Next time you see those supposed 'contrails' that are all over the skies, all around the world these days, realise you are looking at the actual tools that will lead to human demise ... toxic chemtrails ... and manufactured weather systems ... which are part of another agenda they are not even going to reveal. They've admitted to chem-trails ... but not what is in them. Nor will they admit they are trying to HEAT the planet up deliberately and blame human kind for it!!!!