Further Reading

Friday 7 June 2019

The Energy of the Divine Masculine

Chockmah - The Supernal father
[Wake Up World]: “Gender is in everything; everything has its Masculine and Feminine Principles; Gender manifests on all planes.” ~The Kybalion

You’ve probably heard of the divine feminine, but what do you know about the divine masculine?

Many people can conceptualize the idea of toxic masculinity as opposed to divine masculinity and most are against its perversions, but understanding how to head towards divine masculinity is a much harder concept to grasp.

To get to grips with the concept let’s start by defining the energy of masculinity and femininity in contrast. The philosophy of the Duality of Polarity assists in revealing mutual oppositional energies of the feminine and masculine. Understanding the primal energies to simplify enabling feminine and masculine concepts to emerge clearly, unhindered by national, traditional, and even sexual constructs. We are made up of feminine and masculine energy formed in contrast of our physical female or male bodies, and via our inner anima and animus natures.

The Geometry of Energy effectively illustrates the divine feminine and the divine masculine energies. The four dimensions of geometry, when applied to measuring energies, can greatly aid our understanding of the internal, spiritual and psychological world. The four dimensions of geometry are points, lines, planes, and solids. Points and lines symbolize linear of masculine energy, whereas planes and solids symbolize the curvature of feminine energy.

The energy of the divine feminine is both receptive and creative.

The energy of the divine masculine is both reflective and projective.

There is creativity in masculinity just as there is reflectivity in femininity. The idea of inner feminine in man and inner masculine in woman is commonly understood as the anima and animus; essentially defined as inner nature containing elements of mutually dependent opposites. The Yin Yang illustrates this with the circles in the swirls....read more>>>...