Further Reading

Friday 7 June 2019

The Revelation of The 1st World And The Fake Worlds

This is where my mind space, and my instinct, is based at the moment. History always repeats itself in spiralling circles until the original cause of the spiral is confronted. That is the basis of universal law.

What we are faced with at the moment is on one such spiral. We've been at this point before. The manufactured weather systems and intentional climate change agenda to fool the populace; the introduction of A.I and the fear of 5G and transhumanism.

The script decrees that mankind falls 100% for the fake climate change scenario, as weather systems become more and more weird around the world. And it gets to a point that 'something must really be done'. Then it will arrive in the form of the chance to 'upload your consciousness into a new world away from the disasters of this world'. At that point so many will buy the agenda. They'll jump at becoming super human, unwittingly captured in a fake vibrational reality they can't escape' ...

What we are NOW is the result and product of the last time this fake climate change agenda was sprung on mankind. The fall of mankind was effectively the upload into this fake reality; fused with an A.I intelligence ... and presto we have a physical form with its own agenda (The Soul and The Ego) and the True Self (Us) which has been fused into these forms.

Except we have a language and an intelligence that they can't control. So, repeat repeat, they release their well oiled agenda again. And hey presto another fall beckons.

Imagine Atlantis. Imagine tens of thousands of years peaceful living until the predatory intelligence, in the form of demonic possession arrives and takes away this peace and calm. Turning mankind into a hostile bunch of power mad puppets! Wars ensued and technology introduced that led to a thermo nuclear holocaust ... and also FAKE weather systems; the arrival of 'the moon' and the control of the earth plane by moon worshippers.

Then, they start the climate change agenda and create incredible upheavals in the earth's crust and in the skies ... TO FOOL THE POPULACE INTO BELIEVING THE EARTH WAS GOING TO BE DESTROYED. They then offered an olive branch; a glimmer of hope ... they fused humans with machines and got mankind to upload its consciousness into a fake world where they would have total control of mankind.

Mankind was fused with A.I and all was wonderful for the predator consciousness at first. Until mankind's intelligence surpassed all expectations and they lost control of the human A.I. They then had to create the means for this new electronic intelligence to be infiltrated ... so on the fake world they appeared as gods ... and began to assume control of the electronic humans. And hey presto ... we have the mess the fake world is right now ...

How many times has this circle spun since Atlantis? How many times can mankind fall through the frequencies? How can mankind make its way back up the vibrations? Each dimension has to be entered ... realised ... before the next one can be entered? Is this the awakening that is happening? Is there now a direct conduit between the 1st world and this lower vibration? Is this what they are trying to prevent?

So many questions. Hardly any answers.