Further Reading

Thursday 6 June 2019

The Third Dimension of Fire – Blood Sacrifice and Beyond

[Waking Times]:  What a bizarre and seductive reality we live in. A chaotic world of speed where survival is on overdrive. A surreal place where it’s hard to tell truths from lies anymore.

But…confusing and scary as it maybe, everything is cosmically in order. The Old Age ended on Dec 21st 2012 and there is a reset time while the new programme is installed for the next twenty six thousand years.

Spiritual science tells us that at the end of every Grand Cosmic Year all species on earth should evolve into a higher plane of consciousness, and this is known as the Shift of Ages. It would appear that the cosmic wifi has been hijacked.

Humanity’s ascension frequency has been hijacked by the owners of this 3D construct, and our spiritual connection with nature has been severed. Even our physical interaction with each other has been intercepted…interfaced with AI, and replaced by the digital reality of the internet and social media. The meteoric rise of cell phones towers, gwen towers, smart everything and 5G full spectrum dominance is no accident. It’s perfect timing for the controllers of the human farm.

They don’t want us to evolve out of their fractal, dualistic reality so they block the incoming cosmic information with electro – magnetic smog. They want to exploit us…keep sucking on our energy…in the same way that we don’t want to give our wild life and farmed food animals any right to life.

As a result of our faulty thinking, we are being locked into an energetic electro-magnetic prison and ushered into a new age of slavery. To keep us in a closed mental loop, they have insinuated all kinds of distractions to occupy our attention, and keep us confused and fearful – religion, politics, staged terror events, pandemics etc…take your pick.

It is a time of doubt for many people.

So who is the spider that has trapped us in its sticky web of deceit and illusion?

It’s no secret that a cabal of elite satanists control the world and all its governments. A bunch of hidden hands that operate like the mob. Their reality is one of excess, fabulous wealth and power, murder, bribery, blackmail, secret societies, occultism, paedophilia, satanism. In other words the Hell Fire Club of do what you want with total freedom to break any laws without recourse…. like past like present.

The elite have always used terror, black magic and blood sacrifice as a means of controlling the frequency of the earth’s icosahedral(water/emotional) grid. Their intent is to bathe all life on this plane in a fearful and violent energetic matrix that provides a medium for absolute control…a frequency where they can divide us and set us at each other’s throat.

Our predictable responses to their constant negative media programming makes it easy for them to stoke the passions of our animalistic reptile mind, and keep us locked into the low frequency state of animal instinctive drive. To maintain this base level of awareness they need the energy of ‘terrified spiritual trauma’ produced by constant war, and the destruction of innocent young souls. This ‘blood trade’ could be the reason why millions of children go missing every year.....read more>>>...