Further Reading

Monday 3 June 2019

We All Created This Monster ...

Interestingly, we turned three Light Of Truth Oracle cards in relation to thoughts about 'world domination by the corrupt demon-worshipping elite families, with their demonic friends posing as Artificial Intelligence controlling us all' ... and we got the following images:

- Harmony (King Of Swords)
- Epitaph (Death)
- Focus ( 7 of Wands).

With Harmony we gain an insight into the thought processes of these crazy 'human' beings, who perceive themselves as being 'in the right' to take this course of action. Harmony says '  “I am a very forceful energy. Slakeless, unchanging, resourceful and determined. An energy to bring courage into your life' ... '“Self beliefs create a harmonious sense of being when you fully understand those values. Only then can you feel contented in the way you think and feel. Once in that harmonious state, you will stand firm and unchanging, no matter the weather. No matter what occurs in your life to contradict those values”. Basically, this death cult gang of psychopaths, who are the 1% at the peak of the human pyramid (Or think they are), really believe they are doing the right thing.

 And then there is the Epitaph card, which is equivalent to the Death card in the tarot. This message if for us, the human vermin, they plan to exterminate in massive numbers over the next 11 years...“I offer you the challenge of facing the inevitability of death. This acceptance brings a new sense of purpose to your daily life”.....“It‟s time to face your fears. To stare those phantasms directly in the face. Only one thing is inevitable in your life, and that is when you draw your final breath and venture to the unfathomable beyond. Thus, it makes all your other fears acceptable; hurdles to overcome when they are not realised. For once faced; once accepted … a fear becomes non-fear. It dissolves ” ..... very prophetic for us lot. Unless you are with head deep in the sand, you will be well aware of the proposed depopulation of the planet by these crazies who think they rule this world, and own us. This message is all about us facing that fear of death, and just accepting it. Let them be, let them do what they are going to do! Whatever! Once we no longer fear that threat, they hold no power over us!

And then, finally, we have the FOCUS card. Equivalent to the Seven Of Wands in the tarot, Its message reads ....“I am the light from inner reflection. With this light shining gaze within yourself and discover your own creative imagination” ... '“Often there are times we know to be competitive and stand up for what we believe in. To speak out against those who oppose us because we instinctively know we are right. It takes courage to really focus on knowing what is right especially when faced with the fear of what others will think of us. In these moments it is necessary to implicitly trust the voice that speaks from within. It will not fail you .”

This current cycle of events in human existence appear to be 'the light from inner reflection'. We are staring our own creative imagination in the face. We've all created this monster! The artificial intelligence and the demonic elite are mere aspects of a very creative imagination. It appears real here, because we have to feel it as being real.

As the Focus image suggests, its time to take courage and stand up for ourselves. Its all part and parcel of this major hurdle in human existence. Who is going to destroy us? It appears to be an external threat when in truth it is a reflection of our deepest selves. The darkness and the evil is the toxins deep within the human psyche coming to the surface. We are facing our deepest fears. We stand firm and we overcome.

All artwork and original meanings, copyright Matthew James 2012 - 2019.