Further Reading

Friday 7 June 2019

Why Is The Measles Narrative Changing?

[David Icke]: Question!

Did you have “wild measles” as a kid, not the measles strain found in Big Pharma measles vaccines?

I certainly did; that was in the 1940s, when Moms took their kids to “measles parties” so their children could contract a childhood “rite of passage,” immune system strengthening, infectious disease to acquire life-long immunity.

I had an itchy rash; looked like a polka-dotted kid; stayed home from school for a week of fun with board games, plus eating anything I wanted, so my little body could have enough nutrition to heal as quickly as possible. Proper nutrition, sewer sanitation, potable water and refrigeration were responsible for the demise of most communicable infectious diseases in the USA, since those diseases ‘disappeared’ before vaccines were invented. However, those diseases currently are ‘rampant’ in countries were those infrastructures are lacking. Thus the frightening disease statistics HHS/CDC/FDA like to scare people with.

By the way, most of those childhood diseases apparently were about fine-tuning kids’ developing immune systems, in my opinion. Nature obviously designed those diseases to provide life-long immunities, which could be passed down from Mother to Child during pregnancy and birth, something now denied due to what’s called “adaptive response immunity” supposedly provided by modern-day vaccines, which is an oxymoron.

What’s happened?

What’s happened is Big Pharma has been able to bang their “kettle drums of propaganda” so as to drown out most real science as published in authentic medical journals, which never is taken seriously by federal health agencies, e.g., HHS, CDC and FDA, but in favor of consensus science, the current “gold standard” at CDC/FDA. Who are the CDC and FDA supposed to be working for: corporations or citizens’ wellbeing?...read more>>>...