Further Reading

Tuesday, 16 July 2019

5G’s “Day Of Crisis Science” Recognition – Saturday, July 27, 2019

[David Icke]: On Saturday, July 27th, [2019] parents, grandparents, cancer survivors, victims of EHS, medical professionals and scientists from across the country will come together to express their science-based health objections to the rollout of 5G.

Rallies will be held outside of wireless carrier stores to attract media attention and put pressure on big telecom companies to stop 5G deployment until such time as the technology can be made safe for everyone. Is that really such an unreasonable demand?

Since vested microwave interests are moving forward, like greased lightning, to install 5G, which scientifically never has been proven safe for all living entities, and is classified as a “military grade weapon,” it truly is incumbent upon all who either are electromagnetically hypersensitive (EHS) or just plain concerned and scared about what will happen to human physiology when we are saturated by 5G cells microwave radiation only feet away from our homes, places of employment, Wi-Fi in our offices, or ‘raining’ down from thousands of satellites perched above Earth.

Will 5G have the capability to ‘weaponize’ nanoparticulates being released from planes spraying to provide weather geoengineering known as Solar Radiation Management (SRM)?

Will or can 5G ‘aggravate or morph microscopic organisms into biological entities science cannot deal with?

How will 5G affect geoengineered particulates already in human brains and lungs, thanks to what’s being sprayed above our heads for man-made weather management, including our being a human experiment of gargantuan proportions, without our consent, thereby violating the Nuremberg Code?...read more>>>...